Friday, August 01, 2008

Driving In The Snow

Mr. Lewis, the driving instructor,
pulled up at six o'clock in the snow.
It started sticking hours ago
and I really didn't think he would show.
But he beeped the horn while I kept him outside
struggling to get my boots on my feet.
I squeeked, "You really want me to drive right now?"
He replied, "You can learn on your own or with me."
So I backed out my driveway and immediately slid sideways
but somehow I stayed on the road.
The snowflakes still falling, and he started calling
"C'mon, head for the highway, let's go!"
There in that snow I felt as though
my head was going to pop---
cause every time I hit the brakes
the car refused to stop!
So we swirved and we slid
in the slush and the ice
but then somehow we made it
home alive that night.
And now that I'm older
and wiser I know:
I'm glad I learned with Mr. Lewis, then,
rather than on my own alone in the snow.

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